home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- legend: ! bug fix
- + added feature
- * changed
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- v0.96.1a ! Nasty bug preventing opening files from command line.
- v0.96.1 + "Lock File For Changes" menu command to display file in view-only
- mode.
- + "Copy To" file menu command to copy current editing file to the
- new file without renaming it in editor.
- + Command line options: /g (go to line), /m (run macro), /r
- (open file in view-only mode), /p (print file), /i (open list of
- files), /s (save file), /c (close file), /e (exit ConTEXT). See
- help file for more info about it.
- + Command line wildcards.
- + New user exec parameters: %e (file extension), %l (current line
- number), %c (current column number) and %w (word under cursor).
- + Default new document highlighter and file format.
- + Last highlighter used is remembered for each file together
- with cursor position (ConTEXT Positions.ini).
- ! Removed limit of max. 255 chars in file names when using "Send to
- ConTEXT" shell command and ConTEXT instance already running.
- ! Problem with '\' character in macros.
- ! Execute keys: "Start In" now works correctly for captured
- execution.
- ! ConTEXT fail to start if there is more than 16 external
- highlighters.
- ! ConTEXT fails to insert the code from template if there is any
- text in front of the insertion point.
- ! In some circumstances, output console window gets zero pixels
- height.
- ! System tray icon tooltip has wrong caption when ConTEXT is
- automatically minimized to tray if no files open.
- ! External highlighters color settings weren't remembered after
- exiting ConTEXT.
- ! "Highlight current line" option wasn't working properly.
- ! Search and replace: If manually replaced the first few
- occurrences, "Replace All" doesn't not replace currently
- highlighted occurrence.
- ! Search and replace: Replace history wasn't properly restored from
- registry.
- ! Find next/previous direction change is more logical.
- ! Search and replace: If '&' char present in find or replaces
- strings, underlined char will appear.
- ! XML highlighter: syntax highlighting after DOCTYPE tag.
- ! Print preview and printing freezes if misspelled header or footer
- macros in page setup dialog.
- v0.96.0 + Enhanced installation with optional automatic Notepad.exe
- replacement utility.
- + Multithreaded user execution.
- + Terminate user execution button - only Windows NT/2000.
- ! Setting font in print setup wasn't work properly.
- ! Various multilanguage issues.
- ! Short file names in Project / Recent Projects list.
- ! Added HTML help files filter (*.chm) in Environment Options /
- Help files.
- ! Code template inserting now scans token until non-alphanumeric
- character found.
- ! Garbage in text if EscapeChar inserted at the end of the line.
- ! C/C++ highlighter: \ at the end of the line continues multi-line
- string highlighting.
- ! "Close all open files?" dialog disabled when closing project and
- no project files open.
- ! Line numbers digit count in gutter automatically adjusted.
- v0.95.99 + Project workspaces.
- + Rewritted document printing functions. Color printing supported.
- + Fortran highlighter.
- + Save mode option when executing user keys: current file, all open
- files and nothing.
- + CustomHighlighters.ini divided into separate files in
- Highlighters\ directory. CustomHighlighters.ini is not processed
- any more!
- + Custom highlighters: added sections: EscapeChar, IdentifierBegChars.
- + Possibility to define *.chm file as custom help file. Automatic
- jumping to topic with keyword under cursor not supported yet.
- + "Toggle Selection Mode" menu command.
- ! Custom highlighter files were incorrectly interpreted if tabs
- found in it.
- ! Fixed replacement for Notepad.exe to correctly open file if
- "ConTEXT" subdirectory exists where file is opening.
- ! Access violation when Shift+Tab pressed and previous line is
- empty.
- ! More intelligent cursor positioning when find next/previous
- command performed.
- ! Code template names if language name has invalid char for file
- name (for example, Tcl/Tk).
- ! Underline char ('_') added to HTML highlighter identifier chars,
- so double clicking word containing '_' selects whole word.
- ! Strange issues on Windows NT with file extensions when using
- "Save As" dialog. (thanks to Arno van Amersfoort for coding)
- ! Open and save dialog file filters now include customized file
- extensions.
- ! Text deselected before jumping to bookmark.
- ! HTML exporter: all special and international characters are now
- correctly convering to metacharacters.
- ! Right clicking in editor doesn't move cursor any more.
- v0.95.4b5 + XML syntax highlighter.
- + C# custom syntax highlighter in CustomHighlightersSample.ini.
- + Clipper custom syntax highlighter in CustomHighlightersSample.ini.
- + ConTEXT registers itself as HTML editor so it appears in Internet
- Explorer list of HTML editors.
- * Rewritten perl highlighter and optimized for speed.
- * Removed FoxPro highlighter.
- ! Various user execute issues. New ConExec.exe provided by Arno van
- Amersfoort (thanks!).
- ! When file name has no extension and using "Save As" dialog, last
- character from file name is truncated.
- ! When '&' character in file name in file tabs or in
- "String not found box", it will be shown as underscored next char
- as shortcut.
- ! Minor issues in RTF exporter.
- v0.95.4b4 * When file renamed, or doesn't exists when opening, it is removed
- from "Recently Files" list.
- * When opening file that doesn't exists from command line and
- ConTEXT is already open, file is created without error dialog.
- ! When using "Save As" or "Rename" command with files in Unix and Mac
- format, file could be lost.
- ! Short DOS file name is expanded to long when opening in ConTEXT.
- ! Output console now correctly displays compiler output lines ending
- with 0x0A char.
- v0.95.4b3 ! Custom highlighters weren't listed properly in Open and Save file
- dialogs.
- ! More intelligent changing file types in "Save As" dialog.
- ! Custom highlighter language names didn't appear in
- "Customize Types" and "Save As" dialog.
- v0.95.4b2 + Added keyword group "KeyWords3" to custom highlighter.
- + "Replace original extension with .BAK" option.
- ! Incorrect file tabs width when creating new file.
- ! File icon didn't show in file tabs in some cases.
- ! File tabs visibility wasn't restored after restarting ConTEXT.
- ! Custom highlighter collision between LineComment and
- BlockCommentBeg if beginning with same character.
- ! "Error opening file" message when opening file of size 0.
- v0.95.4 + Compiler output parser for positioning on error line. Use double
- click on error line in output console window or "Jump to error
- line" pop-up menu command.
- + Code template list when inserting template to code.
- + Custom highlighters:
- - LineComment, BlockCommentBeg and BlockCommentEnd keywords to
- define comment blocks more flexible
- - StringBegChar, StringEndChar and MultilineStrings keywords to
- define strings more flexible
- See CustomHighlightersSample.ini as example.
- + "Shell execute" command in Tools menu which executes current file
- in associated application.
- + "popa" instruction added to x86asm highlighter.
- + C/Java-style block { .. } autoindent/unindent for PHP and Perl
- highlighters.
- + Click on gutter selects current line.
- + '%s' user exec parameter to insert "Start in" directory.
- + Rewritten Find/Replace functions. Now it's possible to record
- find commands in macros without popping Find dialog.
- + Replace in selected text.
- + "Remember Find/Replace dialog options" option.
- + Horizontal scrollbar in Output console and Find in all files
- list box.
- + Folders can be added to File browser favorites.
- + Keeping cursor Y position when moving vertically if "Allow
- cursor after end of line" option is off.
- + "Multiline file tabs" option to se file tabs as single or
- multiline.
- * Active file tab now changes font style to bold.
- * When selecting the colors for syntax highlighting the font used in
- the preview is that selected for use in the editor.
- * Rewritten edit position storing. As result, ConTEXT loads faster
- and problems with huge .ini files are eliminated.
- * Changed those stupid 1/2/3/4 icons in toolbar with more stupider
- icons :)
- * If compiler output line contains only CR at the end of the line,
- it wouldn't be shown anymore. Borland uses CR to display compilation
- progress.
- ! When canceling Rename File command, editing file was deleted!
- ! "Out of resources" error under certain circumstances when File
- browser active and exiting ConTEXT.
- ! Right click on file tab selects file before pop-up menu is shown.
- ! Finally, user exec works as it should.
- ! Manage macros dialog caused problems with macros that have find
- commands.
- ! Problem with focusing ConTEXT when restored from system tray.
- ! Error opening more than one file with "Send to ConTEXT" shell
- command when ConTEXT is started.
- ! Problems with focusing previously active window when exiting
- ConTEXT and stay on top turned on.
- ! Fixed file tabs order mixing.
- ! Reduced flickering when switching between files, opening large
- number of files with "Send to" shell command, closing all files
- etc...
- ! Last directory used wasn't remembered if more than one file opened
- in open dialog.
- v0.95.3a + Popup menu in Console output window and Search results window
- with "Copy contents to clipboard", "Clear" and "Hide" commands.
- + "Visible file tabs icons" option.
- ! User exec: Command was incorrectly interpreted when space is
- present in command.
- ! User exec: Start directory was incorrectly interpreted.
- ! When "Detect file changes by other application" option is checked
- and focusing ConTEXT by clicking on scrollbar, unpredictable
- selection ocure and scrollbar sometimes get messed.
- ! ConTEXT freezes when reformatting paragraph which contains word
- larger than right margin.
- ! Under certain circumstances File explorer visibility wasn't
- correctly saved to registry.
- ! Access violation when closing ConTEXT with _many_ files open and
- File explorer visible.
- ! Incorrect selecting files when clicking in File browser and
- Small icons view is selected.
- v0.95.3 + Added translation to Polish (thanks to Piotr Murawski).
- + "CaseSensitive" option to CustomHighlighter.ini.
- + User exec: it's possible to assign % variables to "Execute" and
- "Start in" fields.
- + "Minimize to system tray environment" option.
- + Bookmarked line now appears in "View/Jump to bookmark" menu.
- + Macro recorder now supports find command.
- + Added file icons to file tabs.
- + Added file icons to favorites list in file explorer.
- * Default file type in Open and Save dialogs is the type of
- currently editing file.
- * When print preview window is resized, document preview is
- repainted to maintain proportions.
- * Updated all language files for missing keys.
- * Window menu now shows full path to files.
- * User exec optional parameter changed from "?" to "%?"!
- ! Floating point exception when print preview window is resized to
- zero width and height.
- ! Begining of some lines truncated if file is mixed format DOS/Mac.
- ! PHP highlighter bug: "\\" string was incorrectly highlighted.
- ! Find dialog: fixed search from the top of the file.
- ! Last directory used will not remembered if it is floppy drive.
- ! Macro recorder failed loading macro file when ecString command
- contains double quote character.
- ! Open and Save dialogs now include custom defined file types.
- ! User exec optional parameter input dialog remembers last input.
- v0.95.2c + Added translation to Dutch (thanks to Arno Verhoeven).
- + "Allow multiple instances" option.
- + "Rename File" menu command.
- + When saving file, bookmarks are saved together with last cursor
- position.
- + "Stay on top" menu command and toolbar button.
- * User exec hints appears as menu items in Tools menu instead
- "User Command #".
- ! When doubleclicked in file explorer whitespace area, access
- violation error ocurs.
- ! When word wrapping is toggled and more than one file is opened,
- cursor disappears.
- ! Fixed "Case sensitive" checkbox shortcut in Find/replace dialog.
- ! JavaScript highlighter: "\"" is now properly highlighted.
- v0.95.2b + HelpFile definition added to CustomHighlighter.ini.
- + Added translation to Slovakian (thanks to Marek Smolik).
- + Added translation to Chineese (thanks to afi).
- ! Exception error occurs when more than one custom highlighter is
- defined.
- ! If backup file is readonly, it will be overwritten without
- reporting any error.
- v0.95.2a ! Under specific circumstances code template wasn't updated
- properly until reopening project or editing file.
- v0.95.2 + Code templates! See ReadMe.txt for details.
- + For each file type can be defined help file which will be invoked
- when user press F1. Help file will try to find keyword under
- cursor.
- + Commenting/uncommenting code block with Ctrl+Shift+C.
- + Selecting text in braces with Ctrl+Shift+M: Same as match brace
- (Ctrl+M) but text in braces is selected.
- + When marking block with mouse, holding Alt key switches to
- columnar selection mode.
- + Printing selected text only.
- + Printing line numbers.
- + Added option "Show user exec completition dialog" to show dialog
- afer execution is finished.
- + Added option "Remember last directory used".
- + ConTEXT now saves Search Results and Console Output dimensions.
- + List of all supported file types in SaveAs dialog.
- + Updated JavaScript highlighter with couple of keywords.
- + Updated SQL highlighter with couple of keywords.
- * Highlight current line option is unchecked by default.
- * Find dialog remembers origin after closing.
- ! Finally fixed all icons. If you've got ConTEXT already installed,
- rebuild icon cache to fix icons.
- ! Left locked files saved in UNIX and MAC on network drive. Some
- users reported that saved file had zero size on local drive.
- ! Trimming trailing spaces now works how it should work.
- ! Tons of minor internal bugfixes.
- v0.95.1a ! When opening existing file with size 0, it will be saved in UNIX
- format.
- ! Automatic outdent with C/Java files was incorrect when "Allow
- caret after EOL" is unchecked.
- ! Execute keys: If "Use short DOS names" is checked and file name
- is already short, execution error will ocure.
- ! Wordwrap button stays down if word wrapping active.
- v0.95.1 + Translation to Hungarian (thanks to Akos Keresztes)
- + Translation to Galician (thanks to Ant≤n MΘixome)
- + Translation to French (thanks to adrahon@ifrance.com)
- + Translation to Estonian (thanks to Ain Vagula)
- + File explorer with favorites list
- + Wordwrap toolbar button and menu option
- + "Trim trailing spaces" option
- + "Use short DOS names" option for execute keys.
- * Removed "Right edge visible" option
- * Added '$', '#', '{' and '}' to separators
- * Execute keys: Quotes automatically added in parameters %n %f %p
- when using long file names.
- * Execute keys: when "Start in" left blank, default directory is
- directory where editing file is located.
- * Replace button in Find/Replace dialog finds next string occurence
- after replacing.
- * Export to HTML now sets default font size instead size 3.
- ! Minor undo/redo issues.
- ! File size wasn't displayed if file is read only.
- ! File types list associated to ConTEXT wasn't complete.
- ! Fixed tabs->spaces and space->tabs conversion issues.
- ! Extra junk character in comments added when unix-style (#)
- comments are defined in custom highlighter.
- ! ConTEXT instance was unable to open files containing relative path.
- ! When opening files, checking whether file is opened or not is now
- case insensitive.
- ! "Backup file on save" remains checked when unchecked and current
- directory is used.
- v0.95.0b + Custom highlighter: NumConstBegChars which defines with which
- character numerical constant can begin.
- + Custom highlighter: NumConstChars which defines numerical constant
- characters.
- ! Custom highlighter: CurrLineHighlighted now works.
- v0.95.0a + Translation to Spanish.
- * C/Java-style blocking now supporting "other" indentation style.
- v0.95.0 + Custom syntax highlighter (beta version, not fully featured yet).
- + Tcl/Tk highlighter.
- + C/Java-style block { .. } autoindent/unindent option.
- ! Fixed some translations.
- v0.94.3 + "Manage macros" dialog where user can rename, remap to other key
- or enable/disable macros.
- + ConTEXT has now icon in "Send To" shell menu.
- + PHP highlighter.
- + "Default SQL dialect" option (Options/Misc) to select between:
- Standard, Interbase6, MSSQL7, Oracle and Sybase SQL highlighting.
- + Highlighters combo in toolbar.
- + Toolbar icons are now enabled/disabled, depending of their
- availability.
- * Find dialog now remember last search string.
- * Removed dialog to select macros to save.
- * Changed default background colors of all highlighters to clWindow.
- * Changing text format (DOS/UNIX/MAC) sets modified flag.
- ! Bug in search engine: string not found if columnar selection mode
- is active.
- ! Macro shortcut deleted when called from "Play macro" dialog.
- ! Hexadecimal numbers were incorrectly highlighted in assembler
- highlighter.
- ! SQL highlighter crashes ConTEXT if '\' is typed.
- v0.94.2 + "Go To Line" menu command.
- + "Save macros at exit" option.
- + "Hide mouse cursor when typing" option.
- * Save As dialog sets current extension as default.
- ! ConEXEC.exe was damaged and it wasn't valid executable file, so
- error was reported when executing external programs.
- ! Bug in C/C++ highlighter engine: in some cases commented block
- wasn't highlighted properly.
- ! Incorrect console output font setting when opening ConTEXT.
- v0.94.1 ! Fixed bug in extension recognition engine.
- v0.94.0 + Export to HTML and RTF.
- + Python syntax highlighter.
- + Backup directory option.
- + Files can be dragged from Explorer to ConTEXT when no file is
- open.
- + Remove trailing spaces menu command.
- + ReadOnly indicator.
- + Translation to Brazilian Portuguese (thanks to Fabio Band).
- + Create new file when ConTEXT opens without file name option.
- + Notepad.exe has some icon now.
- * Max number of characters per line increased to 4096.
- * Recent files count increased to 12.
- * There's no need to have Edres.dll anymore - you can freely delete
- it if it's present from previous installation.
- ! Status bar wasn't cleared when last file is closed.
- ! Incorrect syntax highlighting text attributes handling in options
- dialog.
- ! Access violation error when file opened in ConTEXT is deleted from
- disk.
- ! Access violation error when using find in multiple files.
- ! Removed some flicker when starting ConTEXT.
- ! Removed language change flicker when starting ConTEXT.
- v0.93.3 * Updated translation to Russian.
- ! Serious bug when saving files containing tabs.
- v0.93.2 + Setting output console font.
- ! Better handling file names when calling ConTEXT from command line.
- ! If file from command line doesn't exist, it will be created.
- ! Messed up cursor shapes strings in options dialog.
- ! Removed window border when maximize ConTEXT.
- v0.93.1 ! Finally fixed runtime error when exiting ConTEXT.
- ! C++ highlighter: character '\\' caused the rest of line to be
- highlighted as string.
- v0.93.0 + Hard-tabs support when saving files. Spaces will be converted to
- tabs if source file has tabs and Tabs save mode is Automatic or
- Tabs save mode is Force tabs, otherwise, tabs will be expanded to
- spaces.
- + Translation to Czech (thanks to Milan Kosina).
- + Translation to Italian (thanks to Paolo Rossi).
- + Added .frm to default extensions for Visual Basic highlighter If
- you already have ConTEXT installed, configuration will not be
- modified and you'll have to define it manually.
- (Tools/Set highlighter/Customize types).
- + Fill selected block command (works only with columnar selection
- mode).
- + "Minimize ConTEXT if no files open" option.
- * Message "Finished." when finished user exec command console
- capture.
- * When converting tabs to spaces, ConTEXT uses "Tab width" setting,
- not default width (8).
- ! Optimized loading functions resulting in faster files opening.
- ! C++ highlighter: string "\\" caused the rest of line to be
- highlighted as string.
- ! Update user definable button hints after leaving Options dialog.
- ! When ConTEXT is started and some of dialogs are open, it wasn't
- able to open other file doubleclicked in Explorer.
- ! When print preview used system "Message Box" font color as default
- color. Now this color is overriden and set black as default.
- ! Changing text case in columnar selected block messed up text.
- ! Minor cosmetical changes.
- v0.92.8 + Translation to Russian (thanks to Ervins Strauhmanis).
- ! Freezing in C++ highlighter when after directive definition
- stands '//' comment.
- ! Some controls resized to correctly display non-english
- translations.
- ! Selection mode status panel update.
- v0.92.7 + Shortcut for ConTEXT exit (Alt-X).
- + Translation to Croatian.
- + Translation to German (thanks to Armin Hoppe).
- ! Some multilanguage support changes.
- ! Minor cosmetical changes.
- v0.92.6 + Multilanguage support. Now i'm waiting for some translations to be
- done.
- + Added .vbs to default extensions for Visual Basic highlighter and
- .asp to default extensions for HTML highlighter. If you already
- have ConTEXT installed, configuration will not be modified and
- you'll have to define it manually (Tools/Set highlighter/Customize
- types).
- ! Wrong ConTEXT position remembering when taskbar is on the top of
- the screen and autohide taskbar option is off.
- ! Removed long delay when Environment options dialog is about to
- show caused by registry scanning for file associations.
- ! Fixed problems with regional settings.
- v0.92.5 + "Scroll after end of line" option to enable or disable caret
- wrapping at the end of line.
- + "Enhance HomeKey positioning" options to enable or disable caret
- positioning at first non-blank character in line (Visual Studio
- alike).
- * When executing user defined command and "Save editing file before
- execution" is checked, file is now saved only if it's modified.
- * More logical file tabs behaivour.
- ! Problem with showing forms on multiple monitor systems. Now all
- forms are shown on the monitor where ConTEXT is placed.
- ! Fixed F12 shortcut conflict (Save as and user command).
- ! Fixed block indent/outdent behaivour when playing recorded macro.
- v0.92.4 + Saving recorded macros to disk and additional macro management in
- Tools menu.
- * Increased maximal macro size to 2048 keystrokes.
- v0.92.3 * Current line is not highlighted with special color if selection
- is available.
- ! When ConTEXT is minimized, opening another file in explorer will
- only restore ConTEXT, not open selected file.
- ! Removed default extension ".txt".
- ! When canceling "Save As" dialog, file is marked as unchanged.
- ! Changing highlighter for current file doesn't change all properties.
- v0.92.2 * Console output window appears only if there is some output.
- ! User exec commands are now extension case insensitive.
- v0.92.1 + "Automatically update changed files" option.
- ! Access violation error when opening SQL files from command line.
- ! Preventing multiple 'File is modified by other application'
- dialogs.
- ! Strange behaviour when having @@ chars at the beginning of the line
- of the SQL file.
- ! "Contol has no parent window." error message when shutting Windows
- down with ConTEXT open.
- v0.92.0 + Show find/replace dialog information option.
- + Replace in all open files.
- + Origin setting when in Find/Replace dialog.
- + Console output window - capturing user executed commands in
- console mode.
- ! Large fonts settings problems.
- ! Troubles displaying file tabs when width exceeds editor width.
- ! Enabling windows animation after ConTEXT started if it's disabled
- by default.
- ! More flicker removed when creating new file and switching between
- files.
- v0.91.5 + Setting temporal syntax highlighter for currently editing file.
- + Customizing highlighters for specific file types.
- + 80x86 assembler highlighter.
- + Current line color setting for every highlighter separately.
- ! Close All haven't work properly.
- v0.91.4 + Macro recorder: added commands Find Next, Find Previous.
- + Columnar sorting.
- v0.91.3 * Blinking indicator when macro is recording.
- * Overwrite warning in Save As dialog.
- * Save As dialog has now as default file name currently editing
- file name.
- * Default file extension in Save As dialog is "txt".
- ! Save All button did not save all files.
- ! When canceling Save As dialog, error message appears.
- v0.91.2 + Support for DOS, UNIX and MAC text formats, as well as conversion
- between formats.
- + Added icon to Notepad.exe replacement.
- ! Removed ugly flicker when switching windows.
- ! Runtime error when trying to printing when no printer driver is
- installed.
- ! Printing / page setup / changing measuring units wasn't affect
- to margin sizes immediately.
- ! Help was compiled with wrong international settings.
- ! Rare runtime error when installing ConTEXT.
- v0.91.1 + Defining start directory when performing user defined commands.
- + Macro recorder (beta release, not fully featured).
- ! Few undo engine bugs.
- v0.91.0 + Text printing and print preview capability.
- + ConTEXT registrates itself in "Application path" registry key when
- installed.
- + Original Windows Notepad.exe replacement (more about this can be
- found in ReadMe.txt).
- ! ConTEXT freezing in rare situation when one file in editor is
- changed by other application and other file is opening to edit
- from explorer.
- ! Few missing word delimiters added.
- ! Mouse wheel doesn't scroll editor file anymore if cursor is out of
- editing area.
- v0.90.6 ! Syntax highlighting problem with FoxPro, SQL, CGI and Perl files.
- v0.90.5 + FoxPro syntax highlighter.
- + User exec keys hints to toolbar icons.
- + When block selected, Tab and Shift+Tab indents and unindents
- selected block just as Ctrl+I/U.
- + Selection mode status panel indicator (Normal/Column).
- * Redesigned color selection and added color picker in Options dialog.
- * Options dialog renamed to Environment Options.
- * Default colors for SQL syntax highlighter.
- * Shift+Backspace acts as Backspace.
- ! Assigning more than one text style attribute to highlighting item
- caused copying styles to other items.
- ! Added "[]'" as delimiters when passing word under cursor to find
- dialog.
- ! Clicking on email label in About dialog now opens only default
- mail program.
- ! Ugly fonts in status panels when using other than small system
- fonts.
- v0.90.4 + 'Detect File Changes by external application' option.
- + 'Save file before execution' user exec keys option.
- + Inserting file feature.
- ! Main menu shortcut conflict (Format, Tools).
- v0.90.3 + Added '?' userexec parameter.
- + Added '%F' userexec parameter.
- + Enabling and disabling menu items, regarding of their enabled
- functionality.
- * Replace All button now replaces all occurences of searched string,
- from the beginning of file, regardless of current cursor position.
- ! Bug not allowing font and font size change.
- v0.90.2 + New option: word wrap while typing.
- + Reformat paragraph from cursor position.
- ! Nasty bug on Win9x systems while remembering last main window
- position.
- ! Help file finally included.
- v0.90.1 + Setting file associations in Options dialog.
- + Insert/overwrite status bar indicator.
- + Modified status bar indicator.
- + File tabs popup menu.
- + Line numbers.
- + Undo after save option.
- + Gutter settings.
- * Now every opened file has it's own status bar.
- * Optimized registry writting resulting in faster ConTEXT quitting.
- ! Toolbar help icon now shows some help.
- v0.90 Initial release